Ebony Pearl
St John’s Ambulance Dog
Ebony Pearl
Oh my precious wee Gypsy. She absolutely loooved her puppies!! Babies of all sorts actually, even chickens! And she loves her food! Was so hard to keep her weight down to an acceptable level…oh well, now she can get a bit beefy if she likes! She is such a quiet, gentle loving girl and has done her job as Momma very well, producing some amazing dogs that people love. Gypsy came to us as a CEA non-carrier and passes on those genes to our up-coming sire, Titan Aurelius of Prairie Wynd. Titan combines those great CEA genes along with Atlas’ strong US Championship genes from his sire plus more CEA non-carrier genes from his dam Tawny. We anticipate many years of healthy happy puppies, with Gypsy playing an important genetic role. She’s earned her retirement in the wild & wonderful Yukon!! She’s loved and living free along with her other canine friend Bandit and my son & family Wade and Vanessa. Be well my wee Gypsy !!
Ebony Pearl
A few years ago after we lost our last German Shepherd, we decided to make a complete change to Collies….the dogs of our youth.
Isn’t that so true for many of us? We tend to gravitate back to what we loved in our childhood! And of course on the farm, we always had collies.
Plus, with grandchildren now, we just felt the collies would be the perfect match for the kids….they love kids.
We looked for several months before finding Ebony on the internet….and fell in love with her immediately! We had her shipped out to Seattle and made the trip down to pick her up. What an adventure. She arrived safe and sound alright, but what a mess the kennel was! There was this adorable little bundle of joy, covered in a mess from her long flight…arriving at midnight and trying to find a suitable place to bath her and clean up the kennel before heading out.
The airport staff were awesome and allowed me to use one of their bathrooms, so bath-time it was! She was wonderful then. She has brought such joy into our lives.
Unerringly obedient…and just beautiful. Soon after her arrival it was back travelling by truck to Alberta, so she had to learn to ‘go pee’ on command and she did.