Socialization & Teaching Respect



At Prairie Wynd Collies, we try to integrate and encourage the interplay between puppies, other dogs and humans at an early age. Their first 3/4 weeks is spent almost exclusively with Momma and us in the house. This is a time for comfort, keeping everyone warm, safe and clean. But it also acclimates them to all the normal noises you find in a home: vacuum cleaner, talking, various kitchen machines, comings and goings. During this time I include the Early Neurological Stimulation exercises which includes touching and stroking each puppy at least twice a day. At about a month old, Momma and puppies are moved to our outdoor ‘Puppy Pads’ which include large indoor houses leading out to their own outdoor kennels.
This includes things like a ‘puppy zip line’ that they love, tunnels to run through and over, wood obstacles, toys, etc. This encourages interaction, stimulation and play between the puppies, while helping to de-sensitize them to the various noises on a farm: lawnmowers, tractors, side-by-sides, trucks, cats, horses, etc.

At about 6 weeks, weather permitting, they are allowed free access to our fenced back yard…and…all the other dogs! They absolutely love tearing around, following and interacting with the ‘big dogs’; and the love is mutually enjoyed! The additional benefit of this interaction is ‘teaching respect’ by my older dogs. Within every litter there will be dominate ones and more submissive ones. If puppies are only allowed to play and fight among themselves, the dominate ones…dominate.
Puppies first learn to submit to Momma, and when playing with adult dogs, they should know when to submit! They need to learn ‘dog nuances, body language, guttural language, respect’. Then when they are allowed to play with other dogs, they know to submit when it’s called for…they’ve learned ‘dog language’! And will be a much more respectful, rambunctious teenager!



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